The inevitable wisdom

Prutha Kale
2 min readApr 4, 2022

It is almost magical to experience and realise how much your heart can endure! Some say that try breaking it a zillion times, until breaking feels normal. Perhaps try walking on a road so long that will make you forget that it was ever whole to start with. This road however brings with it the most beautiful outcomes for your personality. It is something about the smile you learn to pass as smoothly as a quotidian responsibility and the effort so seamless that not a soul around could possibly suspect the vehement desire to thrive. The wondrous nature of those unimaginably silent nights when you learn to listen to your breath amidst the unending clutter of thoughts wildly running in your head. In all fairness, this is the greatest of all things that life teaches you, the hardest one to learn of course. The lesson far from success and failure, one which does not lure with the charm of validation or with the shame of dishonour. A lesson for sheer growth, survival and existence.

While I allow myself the pride of enduring it, I cannot help but miss the heart which will never be the same again. The one which did not know the pain of loss, the misfortune that underlies in the hope of reciprocation and the unending miles that lie between desires and reality. My dear heart which hoped, dreamt and imagined without a shred of fear. The times when it thought that it could really be happy, when it did not care about the cause of sacrifice or the art of waiting. The innocence that so obviously placed joy above honour and thrill above persistence. But here I am, both blessed and cursed with the wisdom that when passion cools and fate intervenes, who else is a woman left with but herself?

